No Rest for the Weary

Well, I released another novel out into the world. For the 10 of you who have purchased it already: thank you so much! I know money is tight for almost everyone these days, and spending a little bit of your recreation budget on me and my work means the world to me.

But, of course, as soon as the novel went live (and I frantically updated the cover art because ARGH), I had no time for relaxation or celebration… immediately on to the next novel! I actually have a short story I’d really like to get done before the end of the year, and I may actually have time for that in the coming day or two, but we’ll see.

And then I’m going to prep the next novel for publication so it’s ready to go by mid-December, and then I’m going to start writing a brand new novel! Yee! Getting a story started is always the most fun part! Getting introduced to the characters I’m excited about, and introducing the world/universe we’ll be playing around with. Makes me smile just to think about it!

Anyway, thank you again everyone who has purchased “Tintian and the Chimera’s Secret”, I hope you enjoy it! Please take a few moments to leave a 5-star review after you’ve read the book, since those reviews really, really help to get my work into new hands!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!