I really should be better at hitting deadlines. I’m usually pretty good about that sorta thing, honestly… I have an essay that’s due on Friday, for example, that I should have finished by the end of today. But this novel… it’s causing me some headaches, that’s for sure.
Regardless, the current plan is to finish it after my online classes today, and then push it along to the digital publishing sites on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Means I missed my October deadline, but… such is life.
And, hey, with any luck I’m still expecting another novel out in December… one that I’ve had finished for a while now, and I think it’s one of my better ones, personally! Excited to get it out there!
After that one, though, I’ll “need” to write the next novel. And that’s great! It’s been far too long since I’ve had the chance to write something because it needs to be written, rather than edited or modified. So that’s cool!
Right, back to work for me! Hope everyone out there is safe and healthy!