“First” is a weird concept in many ways. I mean, this isn’t the first snowfall of 2020 (that would’ve happened back in January), and it’s certainly not the first snowfall in the winter of 2020 in any meaningful sense (the Canadian North has had snowfalls months ago, and the Antarctic likewise has had considerable accumulation, one would assume).
But for me, in my very localized geographic sense, yesterday was the first accumulation of snow in the winter of this year. And boy-howdy is it a doozy… about 30cm around my home. And as much as I hate going out into the snow (which I do, a lot), I do love staying inside and watching it snow, and appreciating what it does to the landscape. It’s beautiful.
Now, that stated, I can make that observation because I do, in fact, get to stay home today. And I will be spending most of today working on the next novel to come out in only a few weeks! No worries, folks, this isn’t something I threw together at the last minute, but a novel I’ve been sitting on for some time, waiting for the right moment to release it. I think “Holiday Season 2020” is the right moment.
So, I’m going to get back to that, with my continued wishes for everyone out there to stay safe and healthy… and heck, if you live someplace it is snowing, stay warm too!