And that’s three novels for the year. A little shy of the four I was aiming for, but honestly, considering the year… I’m going to call it a win.
It’s been submitted, so hopefully in the next week or so “The Queen of the A.I.s” will go live on Amazon, and I’ll announce it here (and over on Patreon, of course!) shortly thereafter. I have no super-impending homework assignments (aside from listening to Antony and Cleopatra, since I’m struggling mightily against the length of the work), which is nice, and this wraps up my writing obligations for the year (aside from a short story I still haven’t finished… whoops…), but since I am going to be up to my ears in retail work for the next 23 days, that’s okay! Home stretch, as it is.
Anyway! Good news for me, at least, and hopefully people like the new novel! And it leads them to more of my other novels! That would be great. Now I just have to decide if I want to increase my advertising budget for it for a few weeks, try to get more eyeballs… ha, why does everything cost so much money…
Oh well! Upwards and onwards!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!