Well, it’s official. I’ve received my first 1-star review on Amazon. It was going to happen eventually, and considering it’s my 12th review (11 of which are four or five stars)… I think I’m okay with that.
Let’s be honest. There’s no such thing as perfect art. Some people will love it, some people will hate it, and at the end of the day that’s probably a good thing. It means different people like different things, and I’m really okay with that! Sure, I’d like to rack up a better ratio (100-to-1 would be nice!), but again, if we project this forward (unsafe), 90% of readers loving my work and less than 10% hating it… that’s okay!
It is even, in its own way, kind of a good thing. This means that people are seeing my work! And (probably) paying for it… that’s good! I mean, they may have downloaded it for free (legally through Kindle Unlimited, for example), but even then, more eyeballs on my work is almost always going to be a good thing, and I am definitely not so arrogant that I think my work is perfect and that everyone will love it.
Anyway, it was going to happen eventually, and it has. Hopefully the only one for a while, though, but I suppose if you’re here reading my work you kinda agree with me on that (unless you’re hate-reading in which case… maybe get a different hobby? Lots of books out there, mate, I’m sure there are ones you’d like better!).
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!