I Really Like Ellipses...

One of the many things about editing your own work is the realization of bad writing habits you have. For me, I use a lot of ellipses… those three little dots right there meant to indicate a pause in conversation.

I’ve deleted a LOT of ellipses so far today. A lot. But that’s okay! This is what editing is for!

I’m on Chapter 7 (out of 40) in the editing process, and fully plan to be finished today to send the second draft to my editor tonight so that she can work on it after the long weekend, and I can theoretically have one day off (tomorrow) before I throw myself into the next story I’m going to be working on (I suspect the White Noise short story I’ve mentioned a few times).

And, as much as I don’t really love the editing process, it is useful to remember that I have some specific writing flaws, and to be more conscious of them going forward. I miss having other people to put their eyes on my work, but that’s okay.

Oh! I also get to go cover shopping again today… I’ve done that a few times in the last few weeks, but nothing has really jumped out at me yet. But that’s okay! Maybe today will be the day. Anyway, back to editing!
Hope everyone out there is staying healthy and safe!