The Heist Itself!

Today I am writing the “everyone sits at a table and discusses the heist” part of my heist novel. I am excited about it!

This is the time when I get to throw the predictable problems in the way of the protagonists. The things that they think will go wrong, allowing me to later subvert expectations in interesting ways. This is half of the joy of a heist… deciding if things are going to go according to plan, totally not according to plan, or that glorious synergy where it simultaneously appears to go completely off the rails but, in fact, we learn that it has all gone exactly according to plan… but perhaps not the plan as initially planned.

Gosh, I love a good heist. Love ‘em!

Anyway, I’m a few hundred words into that already, and it’s been great! Nice to have some time to put words together… I had skipped this portion of the novel earlier (and basically wrote past it) in the hopes that I would get retroactive inspiration… which never really happened, but as part of the Revision course I’m taking on Sunday, I figured now was as good a time as any to get this pretty critical part of the novel done.

Right! It’s only been a few days since my last update, but I figure more is better than less… and we’ll see how much time I have to put another update here in a day or two. We’ll see!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!