Well, it snowed today. It’s not the first snowfall of the season, that happened several weeks ago, but it is the first time the snow stuck around for more than a few hours. I think this officially means I am done biking to and from work for the foreseeable future, for better or for worse.
On the one hand, that means I have more time at home, since driving takes me about 1/3rd as long as biking does.
On the other hand, it means no more “free” exercise, exercise I don’t have to schedule or think about. Now if I want to exercise I have to set aside time and space to do exactly that, and that’s always tricky, even at the best of times…
But, on the griping hand, I don’t want to turn into a blob over the winter so I suspect I will find that time. Probably in the mornings, still, because I’ve never had the energy or drive to exercise after a long day of work.
I have a Nintendo Switch with a neat little exercise game, and I am looking forward to getting back into it, I suppose. At least it’s varied, and that’s nice, and the pacing of it tends to be pretty good, plus it includes a warmup and cooldown, which is usually something I skip when I’m not directed to do it.
Anyway, we’ll see what kind of shape I am in when spring rolls around, but fingers crossed I don’t slide too far back over the colder months!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!