Cultural Studies

Man, I miss libraries.
I miss having time to go to libraries, sure, but even if I had the time to do so, I can’t right now. Which is too bad! I am trying to write an essay on Cultural Studies (based on early works by Edward Said'), and in order to do so I have to find two “oriental” (Middle and Far East) poems written by Western writer(s).

This would be almost trivial at a library. But sorting through offerings through The Internet is… hard. Not impossible, thankfully, but it is taking me four times as long to do everything, and time is already short, honestly.

Oh well. What can ya do? I still have a week until the essay is due, so I have some time after work and before work to get it done, but I also need to finish “Ethics and Infinity” by Emmanuel Levinas in that time… and a bunch of other (shorter) course readings… and set up my exercise bike for the long, cold winter months…

Never enough time, ya know? Never enough time.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!