
Ah, finally a little time off.
I mean, I had a few days off around Xmas, but literally only a few days, and most of that was spent recovering from the exhaustion of the preceding two months. This time I have almost 10 consecutive days off (I go back to work next Tuesday), and nothing I really have to do other than write, eat, and sleep.

And boy oh boy do I intend to do all of those things in vast amounts this vacation. Plus some exercise, I suppose, if I must. Oh, and a bath! Not a shower, I have lots of those, but an honest-to-goodness bath.

Breakfasts will consist of crumpets, because I freakin’ love crumpets and I only eat them on vacation. Lunch will mostly consist of sammiches and pasta because it is fast and easy to make. Dinners… well, dinners will be all over the place, but the goal is to not order in food at any time. I may bake some bread and make some fresh pizza… maybe make a few hamburgers… nothing fancy, but it will be so nice to not be rushed in fourteen different directions every day.

Mostly, I’m looking forward to the writing, of course. My goal is to finish this first draft by Wednesday, and then get the next novel started on Friday or Saturday and to get a fair chunk of that done before heading back to work.

contented sigh

Looking forward to it. So much.