Blog Post about Blog Posts

Writing a blog has always been somewhat self-indulgent. The opening assumption, that people are actually interested in what I have to say about… well, anything, really… is pretty conceited. Who am I to bother shouting into the void? Or, rather, why do I think the void should bother to listen?

The short answer is that I don’t, but I do know that running a website and maintain a consistent amount of online presence is pretty critical for those of us who aren’t “traditionally” published authors (despite my hope to one day become a traditionally published author). People need to know that I’m working on stuff, otherwise they’ll go look for other stuff… or something like that, I’ve never really been that clear on the specifics.

Now, it turns out that I don’t mind writing twice weekly blog-posts. Daily might be pushing it a little, if only because I usually write these posts when I don’t have to be at work the same time (December not withstanding, since I have to work 24/7 during the holidays), since my mental state and attitude tend to be more positive. And a little bit of online positivity is nice!

But, that stated, this here website has never really generated a tonne of interest. A very, very good day will see 20 unique visitors (assuming the tracking software on Squarespace is accurate, and really, who knows?). Most days will see a few visitors. And that too is okay, because I’m legit not doing this to be famous or because I have a deep, important message that everyone on Earth needs to know about.

I just want to write. I want to be able to eat, and have someplace warm and safe to sleep, and that’s about it. And in order to do that, I have a website that lets people know both what I have done in the past, and what I am working on for the future. And that’s kinda it.

Anyway! Ramble-filled post today. I applied for funding through the university I attend (Wilfrid Laurier, in Waterloo, ON) for the writing group I run, since we haven’t had much ability (read: any) to get together in the last little while but I would like to maintain it as an important aspect of my writing. Fingers crossed for that! And other than that, I’ve secured my next editorial time-slot (my editor is now popular enough that I have to reserve her work in advance), but that isn’t until April 1st, which means the next novel should drop around late April, early May at the latest. Exciting!

Speaking of which, I should get back to that!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!