A Little Extra Time

So my editor was in touch recently, and mentioned that if I needed a little more time, she would be happy to push my scheduled time back a week.

This is great news. I still think I’ll be done before April, but I was going to have to crunch through some very long nights to get the novel edited up to my humble standards within that time frame as well. This means I can spend a bit more time preemptively polishing (and maybe tying up a few loose ends more tightly).

So that’s good news! I’m going to spend the majority of today working on the novel, and then finish it tomorrow so I have a week to add, remove, and generally polish the work. So… huzzah!

In other news, things are continuing more-or-less apace. I had a weird dream last night that featured an ex-girlfriend of mine very prominently. She’s a woman I haven’t thought of in a very long time (in my defence, we didn’t date very a long time, although it remains a very pleasant memory in a rough period of my life). Had one of those “Huh, I wonder how she’s doing” moments before I realized that I don’t remember her family name! Ah well… it was over twenty years ago, we can only hold onto so much.

Anyway! Back to writing about space pirates and spices! Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!