Tomorrow I get my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
I don’t know which one, and frankly I don’t care: I’ve seen enough of the science to know that all of them are more-or-less equally effective, and the risks in all cases are vanishingly small, especially compared to the risks of NOT getting the vaccine, and especially-especially considering that my job continues to require me to see and interact with the public (less of the public these days, granted, and in a safer way, but still… way too many of them and way too often for my tastes).
So this is a HUGE weight off my mind. Not perfect yet, since I won’t get the second dose for another few months at least, and even then it’s 2 weeks past that point, but that’s okay! A very, very positive step.
In other news, I have started work on the next novel! This will make Novel 8 total, and the second novel for 2021. It’s working title is “Something Spacey This Way Comes”, but that’s definitely not what it’s going to be called. It’s going to be a heist story, mixed with a little cyberpunk and a little military-sci-fi… I’m excited! The world building and character outlines are coming along well, and I expect that I will be able to start writing the story itself, if not today, by the weekend! Woo!
Hope everyone out there is staying healthy and safe!