The Love of Reading

I’m about half done the edits at this point (should be done Wednesday, fingers crossed), but I’m also back in school and that means… readings. So many readings.

The first week involves reading Paradise Lost by Milton (thankfully, not the whole thing, but books 1, 7, and 8… or was that 8 and 9? Three of the books, at least), and that’s like wading through waist-deep literary mud. I’m not a big fan of Milton… I might go so far to say I dislike his work a great deal. But whether I like it or not, I gotta read it. And then next week’s readings are a bunch of short stories that I’ve never heard of by authors I’ve never heard of, so that’ll be fun… but I do love to read.

Seriously, I love reading. I don’t think you can be a good writer if you don’t really love to read. It would be like being a hockey player and hating skating, or being a chef who hates eating. It can be done, I’m sure, but the results will never be as good. In my case, I have a stack of sci-fi on its way to my house (hopefully next week), plus all the Brit Lit I need to read for my course (some of which is contemporary, and I’m looking forward to that).

But that’s for the future. Today I wrestle with Milton again, and then work on the novel. Could be worse.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!