New Novel Soon!

It may be hard to miss (but absolutely possible, of course), but I put up the cover and new page for the new novel!

Well, most of the cover. The way this website clips images means you only get to see about 2/3rd of the cover, but the rest of it is a generic ice planet and my name, so you don’t really need to see that part until you buy the book… which should be available in the next week or two! Woo!

I got my edits back from my editor, and I’m going to dive into those shortly (after I finish the layout for Novel 8, which I am this close to finishing). And, good news, this time I finished the physical version of the book at the same time as the digital version… I hope.

Haven’t actually tried it out yet. It should be pretty straight forward, I hope, but won’t know until I submit it to ye olde Amazon, so fingers crossed and all that.

Anyway! Very exciting news. My first (of hopefully 4) novels for 2021. As a reward, I bought a bunch of sci-fi novels that I’m excited to dive into (a John Scalzi crime sci-fi called “Head On”, a few giant robot stories, and a steampunk novel I’m really excited about called “By Fire Above” by Robyn Bennis… the original, called “The Guns Above” was the best steampunk I’ve ever read… oh, and the sequels to “The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet”, which I am so excited to read!). It’ll be a few weeks before they show up, though, so lots of time to write before I dive into the other half of my job… reading all the things!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!