I think this is a familiar refrain for most people in North America, but this pandemic is really wearing me out. I’m just tired, exhausted really, so much of the time that it makes it hard to get anything accomplished.
I will say that I’ve done a pretty good job stocking my pantry and freezer so I don’t have to order in dinner as often, and that’s good. Ordering in food is really expensive, and while it is convenient and easy, I just can’t afford it most days. And having a small stockpile of “throw these ingredients approximately at the stove and have a meal come back” is a very useful sort of thing to have. Not perfect, of course, and there are days that I just don’t want to eat anything. But yeah, tired.
Anyway, I think I’m going to finish up the editing today (ah, that familiar refrain), and then hopefully get it off to Amazon tomorrow night after one final read. Fingers crossed! And then I have some course texts to read, and then… finally… I can start the next novel!
I should get back to it… hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!