Over Halfway There

Not on the newest novel, sadly. That’s still closer to a quarter done, which is frustrating but not unusual. But I am over halfway done by second university degree, and that’s kinda nice.

It’s a weird feeling. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten as much out of my education as I wanted to, but I have certainly gotten something out of it. Reading critically and having my writing critiqued by professors has been really useful, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. I have enjoyed it a great deal! But there are only a few courses remaining before I officially have my Honours English degree, and I figured… I dunno, that I would feel more of something as a result.

Oh well. I’m really looking forward to a course they’re offering in January 2022, and the rest I have to take at this point aren’t as bad as some of the course material I’ve had to take up to this point. And then, with degree in hand… I don’t know. Definitely keep writing, because that’s the entire point to this endeavour, but maybe find a different way to finance my writing? That’s potentially interesting.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!