Slowing the Pace?

I have managed to finish my English course for the summer, and now have a glorious two weeks before I return to classes.

Granted, I’m still working full-time and writing every moment I can, but at least I don’t have school on top of those!

However, some of the feedback I’ve received recently suggests that maybe I should slow the frantic pace of my book releases a bit. They’ve made some rather compelling arguments. I’m going to think on it while I continue to plug away at the current novel (the cyberpunk heist story I’m working on)… it’s about 10K words done, which is significantly less than I wanted but, as we all know, 2021 hasn’t been a great year for anything and especially rough for creative projects.

But, not to fear, there will still be at least one more novel before the end of the year, and maybe I’ll push this one through at my current pace and then spend more time and energy on the next one… we’ll see! We’ll see.

Either way, a big thank you to everyone for your continued support, and I’m still going to be producing as much quality content as I can… but maybe a little less of it at a higher quality? I dunno! We’ll see! Exciting times!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!