September, slow down! I have so much I need and want to accomplish and you’re already almost half over!
Gosh, the days blur by. Work has resumed its usual flow (which is nice, in its own way), and writing continues to consume most of the time I am not at my other job (as it should). My first class is tomorrow at far-too-early-o’clock, but that’s fine… I’m making it harder on myself by choosing to bike since I continue to want more exercise in my life but additionally have no extra time.
Aside: trying to be healthy is expensive and time consuming. I mean, everything these days is, but health in particular is doubly so. Anyway.
I am looking forward to going back to class. It’s been over a year since I’ve had in-person courses, and that’s always been the best part of university. I can’t say I’m super excited about this course (Literary Theory), but who knows, maybe it will be my new favourite English course? Stranger things have happened.
Regardless, with time running down, I should get back to writing. Oh, and hey, if you live in Canada and you haven’t voted yet in the Federal election, you should go do that! My partner and I plan on going today!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!