That Escalated Quickly

I have a myriad of artistic pursuits. Most of them I don’t expect or want to make money from… for example, as much as I love playing guitar, I doubt I will ever try to make a cent off it (there was a brief period about a decade ago when I thought about pursuing it to make a little money on the side, but I quickly realized that I got into the game about three decades too late to ever be more than competent).

In posting some of my painting work in an online forum where other artists gather, I mentioned in passing that I like painting, but would only do it for money for a ridiculous sum, since it is a very slow process for myself and I value my time. Another artist spoke up and said that by valuing my work at all, I was doing myself a disservice.

This quickly devolved into the standard “art is for passion, work is for money” argument that is pretty typical for artists and non-artists alike. If you enjoy something, you should do it regardless of whether there is money. If you’re doing something for money you shouldn’t expect to enjoy it.

It’s not a position I’ve ever really agreed with. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to expect to be paid for something you’re passionate about, and it is equally okay to not want to be paid for something you are passionate about. A lot of people in the writing group I used to run didn’t want to make a living off of writing, and that was great! And a lot of others, myself included, totally do, and that’s fine too! But I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that pursuing one doesn’t automatically exclude the other.

The other artist… did not take this perspective well. I guess a lot of people take their perspective on art very seriously, and so didn’t appreciate a different perspective?

Well, lessons learnt. Learned? Argh, I hate that one. Anyway. I learned something about that particular artist and their perspective, at least.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!