Well, I have two days left off from school and my other job before I am back in the metaphorical salt mines. It wasn’t the break I wanted due to my injury a week ago, but I can’t really complain. It could’ve been much, much worse, and this gave me an excuse to go on a few long walks (to figure out how my leg was healing. Turns out… pretty well!), play lots of Battletech the video game (still one of my all-time favourite games… this is probably my 8th time playing the mercenary campaign), and build a few LEGO buildings.
So, while not perfect… I’m not complaining. It’s worked out pretty dang well, all things considered.
However, since today is my 2nd last day off for who-knows-how-long, it is the day I have to wrap up all the things I need to wrap up before heading back. I fixed the brake lights on the car, I cleaned up and organized the basement a little, and I bought a new bike helmet to replace the noble one that saved my life. Oh, and washed all my 2nd layer masks (I wear an N95 as my primary mask, which is thrown out at the end of every day obviously, but the advisement to wear a 2nd mask if you are in frequent contact with the public, which I am, has resulted in me wearing my “nice” masks as a second layer).
Not a sentence I think I would have ever imagined writing 3 years ago. Ah well!
I am going to finish up a few more chores, and then… get back to writing! Woo!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!