I am, by my nature, a man who enjoys organization. There is a “way” that things should be done, a place that things should be placed, a location where a thing can be located.
My current working environment is not a reflection of that internal belief at the moment.
Right now I am surrounded in a situation that, were I Skurge, I would proclaim “Behold! My stuff.” I am slowly and steadily chipping away at the mess, organizing and reorganizing, deciding what stays and what goes.
For example, I currently have two full shelves of photo albums. I don’t think I’ve looked at them in the last decade. Should I keep them? I could really use that shelf space, as my book collection continues to grow but my ability to put things in it does not (no “shelf extenders,” as retail workers might say).
But even along with stuff that I have emotional attachments to, there is a lot that just takes up space because of the sunk-cost fallacy. I haven’t thrown out that glowing scoreboard that I wanted to use for board game sessions in the BeforeTimes… maybe I will use it when I feel comfortable having people over again, but maybe not? I really don’t know. But I’ve held onto it for 2 years, and it feels like I shouldn’t throw it out now because then why did I hold onto it for two years?
Ah, stuff is weird. I’m probably going to have to do a really good clean and toss a lot of stuff in a week or two. That will be a hard day, but afterwards I will feel much, much better.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!