I’m pretty sure I say this every year (but at the same time can’t be bothered to scroll back through 12 months worth of posts!), but November and December are hard, hard months.
I work at a game store to pay for my writing expenses (and my living expenses, although those often feel significantly less important), and as a result the “holiday season” starts today and ends basically in January. During this time we will see more and more customers who get more and more frantic. The store will be packed, shoulder to shoulder, in my aisle (board games), and people will become increasingly belligerent and angry as the things we “should” have in stock are unreleased, impossible to get, or “too expensive.”
I am always of two minds about this. On the one hand, it can be difficult when people have no idea what they’re looking for: on the other hand, I love talking to customers, and a good one is always a joy. But no matter what, I always crawl home at the end of every shift exhausted as work keeps piling up and we simply lack the people to stay ahead.
And then exams, of course… only 2 this year, both on the 12th of December (because of course they’re both on the same day), but I like being prepared, and so that means long nights coupled to earlier and earlier days.
One upside, I suppose, is that this continues to shine a light on how much I love writing. Because even in the midst of all this… I still find time to sit down and crank out a few thousand words. Just wish I could do that more often!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!