Attending a Wedding

Two close friends of mine were married yesterday. It was a nice (read: fast) ceremony held in a private home, with plenty of food and drink.

No coffee, though. Which, frankly, almost ruined the entire event (I joke, Laura and Jesse! I joke! It was lovely!).

I don’t think I’ve ever written about a married couple in any of my books. I’d have to think about it… and I know that I have written about people who are married, but not specifically the couple itself. Lots of romance in several of my books, a few “husband is dead” or “wife is lost in space” relationships, but no honest-to-goodness marriages. I don’t think there’s anything particularly significant about that, honestly. I didn’t have great models for good marriages, since my parents are still married but haven’t been happy together since… oh, at least 1970. At this point they are almost entirely together out of spite and familiarity: they refuse to get divorced because they don’t want to see the other person being happier without them.

And, hey, who am I to judge. They’ve been married a good long time, and despite not really being happy with the marriage it also doesn’t seem to be making them dramatically miserable. So maybe they’re in the right relationship for them?

But the idea of marriage… I should really try to write about one or two good ones at some point. I already try to write healthy relationships, based on communication and honesty, so it shouldn’t be a big jump to write about a marriage in the same way. Not for the book I’m working on right now, but maybe for the next one. I’ll have to keep it in mind.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!
And congrats again on the wedding, Laura and Jesse. It was an honour to attend!