Final Sprint

I mean, not “final” final, but it’s certainly the busiest, most frantic time of year, and I am wading my way through it as best I can.

However, that apparently means forgetting to post! Twice! Bad writer.
Ah well, I don’t really have anything interesting to put here. I did well in my two courses this semester (85-88%), and I’m okay with that. Doesn’t help me in anyway, and grades are a pretty meaningless construct at the best of times, but I suppose it’s nice to be told you’re good at something. I’d like to claim I don’t really try, but that’s not at all true. I try very hard. I am very trying.

That’s a joke.

Regardless, I have to head into work again in a little bit. Oh, I’ve watched the first few episodes of Andor, and if you are a sci-fi fan… not just a Star Wars fan, but a sci-fi fan… do yourself the favour of giving it a view. Is real good.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!