Generous to a Fault

You, dear reader and/or visitor, may recall that on Tuesday I mentioned that I needed to find my copy of John Scalzi’s Lock In in order to write an essay on it… a considerable essay, worth approximately 30% of my entire grade for this one course.

I did not find it. Well, that’s unfair… I did eventually find it: I had lent it to a friend a few months back and they still have it. But before I realized that, there was a significant amount of panic. It, and its sequel Head On, are both very good, but more importantly there is no way I could write an academic paper on it without the book.

So what to do? I knew if I bought a copy then I would find my original copy immediately afterwards. I don’t have any friends locally who are big sci-fi fans (a good friend in Toronto, but I doubt even he has a copy). So what could I do…

I went to the library. They had a copy! Huzzah!
They also had copies of a few other sci-fi books I nabbed (most notably Mary Robinette Kowal’s next “Lady Astronaut” series), which I gleefully look forward to reading when I have “time” again.

Yes, the quotation marks are needed in that previous sentence.

So, source material secured, now I undertake the actual writing of said essay!… or I could just read a few pages of The Golden Compass

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!