A few weeks back I had to reduce the advertising budget for my novels through Amazon (which, at this point, is 99.9% of my advertising budget). I reduced everything by more-or-less half… and my sales, likewise, have reduced by about the same percentage.
Now, that' doesn’t mean it’s a 1-to-1 correlation between ads and sales. It certainly suggests it to a certain amount, but there are plenty of reasons to expect a downturn in sales in February after some pretty consistent numbers in December. But still, nice to see that there is a connection at least.
Additional bonus: if I can figure out the price-sale ratio at some point, I may actually make some money off selling my books. Maybe! Nice to think that it’s possible.
But for now, today is my last day off for Reading Week before I have to go back to work, so I have actual readings to accomplish, and I’m gonna do that.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!