The Drive to Produce

It’s a weird feeling, both needing to and loving to produce something. I am often reminded of that famous quotation “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people,” (Thomas Mann).

And it’s true. I love writing, but it is hard at the best of times (and, as we all know, these last few years have not been the best of times). It’s been a few weeks now since I dedicated any time specifically to working on the novel, and while I have jotted down a few words here or there, that’s simply not enough. My particular writing style needs a “flow”… an opportunity to really focus in on what I want to say and how I want to say it, and then to just let the torrent of words out (so they can be heavily, heavily edited later!).

Ah well. School is a more pressing, immediate priority at the moment. A couple really big term papers are looming in the next few weeks, and after that I think things should settle. And no summer school this year, so hopefully I’ll have a few relaxing months before I jump in for my last semester in September.

Okay, with that I really should get working on those term papers… one of them has a bibliography that’s due next week (to prove that we’re using appropriately academic sources for our papers) which I am… less than thrilled about… but whatever. Whatever! It’ll get done, and then it’ll be done and we can all move on with our lives.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!