The Last Hundred Yards

Getting close to the end of my English degree… two 4th year courses (both seminars), and I’m done. At least theoretically… considering the way the bureaucracy of Laurier has been in the past, I wouldn’t be stunned if things get messed up one last time. We will see.

But for this semester, I am almost done. One term paper and a take-home exam, and then I’m done until September. It’s been… four years?… since I’ve had a summer without classes throughout the majority of it, and gosh am I looking forward to it.

Mostly because I can get back to writing I care about, rather than writing that grades hinge on. Academic writing is a thing, and I’m pretty good at it, but there’s very little joy in it. It’s hard to be joyous about something you have to have three academic sources for, and that is edited to be as boring and with minimal individual input into it.

But that’s fine! It’s fine. I’m almost done, and hopefully I can leverage this degree into a different paying job until I can leverage that job into becoming a full-time writer. I’m gonna get there one way or the other, but it would be nice to shorten the road a lot. And maybe make it a touch less torturous to travel… that might be nice.

Anyway, almost done! Huzzah!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!