A Day Off

Well, exams are done and over with for this semester, and that’s nice. It means I actually have a day or so (part of today and most of tomorrow) with no immediate school or work related issues looming. A few small ones, sure, but for the most part this will be the first summer I’ve had without classes since 2018… and if I managed to get both of my remaining required courses in September, I may actually graduate this year. That would be lovely.

But before that, a day of relaxation! I’m going to do some painting, I’m going to finish reading the last of the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin, I’m going to bake something tasty… and then I’m going to sleep in tomorrow. Like, really sleep in… if I get out of the bed before noon, something had better be on fire.

So not much to report today, except for a general “Super excited to get back to writing!”, which is 100% true. I’ve missed you, first-draft-of-my-new-novel… I’ve missed you so much.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!