Lots of Reading Today

I love reading days. I love them. Part of the best thing about being a writer is “having to” read lots of stuff in order to stay abreast of what everyone else is doing.

Not that I’m trying to match or surpass any of my fellow writers: this isn’t a competition, and a rising tide lifts all boats. Besides, the caliber of writer that I really enjoy reading (Scalzi, Jemisen, Chambers, Leckie) I have no illusions that I write as well as they do. Maybe someday if I can do this gig full time I’ll be close… or at least in the same conversation… but for now, reading their work gives me a lovely sense of what really brilliant sci-fi is like these days.

Today I’m reading a few classics (specifically The Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde) and then maybe tackling The Risen Empire by Westerfeld. After that… gosh, I don’t know! So many choices…

I’m told that there are people out there who re-read books they’ve already read!? Sounds like a luxury, honestly… I look forward to someday having time to even read the majority of the books I already own once!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!