Altered Carbon

I’m a few years behind the curve here, but i just started watching Altered Carbon on Netflix. In a surprise to nobody, it’s pretty good!

Now, in my defense, I read the book years ago and enjoyed it a great deal. I was a little worried that the show wouldn’t be true to the source material, but for the most part that seems to be unfounded… I just hit a point of pretty major divergence, but for the most part I think they’ve been pretty true to the book.

And this is nice, because I’ve been struggling with my own cyberpunk novel, and so seeing a beautiful visual representation of a cyberpunk universe is pretty neat! Even noticing some of the visual and story changes from what I remember of the original is interesting, trying to decide if those choices were stylistic, or unintentional consequences of the shift in medium, or if it was required to increase the length of the show, and so on.

I’m a big fan of the AI in the show, for example, whereas I don’t really remember the hotel AI from the book having much of a personality at all. Correspondingly, Ortega is a bit short in the show for my expectations, but otherwise seems like a pretty flawless choice for the character.

It’s nice to find inspiration! I’m looking forward to finishing up the first season today!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!