Good Music

I’m pretty sure I’ve talked before about how I like to listen to music as I write. It helps get my mind in the right headspace, and back when I was “that guy” in a coffee shop working on my novels it also helped me isolate myself from people around me.

Not a complaint about other people of course. But they want to have discussions and talk, and that can be really distracting from the voices I’m trying to listen to in my head that are often whispering where the story will go. It’s much easier to listen to my internal monologue when there’s music I can listen to.

Right now I’m listening to “Through the Fire and the Flame,” which is a thoroughly over-the-top rock piece that I first encountered in one of the later Guitar Hero games… just a lovely game, and the opportunity to play this song (over the final credits, as memory serves) was really cool. It feels appropriately heroic, and it feels kinda fitting.

Added bonus: as a guitar player myself (albeit an amateur one), I can really respect the guitar playing. Just insane level of talent. Ridiculous, really. The fact that anyone’s brain can work at that speed… much less their fingers… anyway. It’s great!

I won’t be able to listen to this while writing the novel, unfortunately. I can’t write in the same language that I’m listening to… the lyrics tend to work their way into my work, and that’s really annoying to catch in editing. I’ll probably switch over to some nice instrumental riffs… I’ve been listening to “tavern music” lists on YouTube, and that seems to be working pretty well.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!