It's the Humidity

I am told that Southern Ontario is often very humid. I am told this in such a manner, and with such authority, that I am inclined to believe it, despite being entirely immune to the words.

I have a sort of vague understanding of how it works. Higher humidity means that it is more difficult for sweat to cool down your body, since the act of sweat evaporating from your skin is the actual main method of heat regulation in that process. Sure, a breeze works as well, but your body can’t control or generate a breeze, while it most certainly can generate sweat.

But for whatever reason, I live a life that is primarily immune to the ravages of heat. Like, I feel heat, and it’s not my favourite feeling, but I’ve had days where my friends and family have insisted they are melting, and they all look very unhappy about this… and then I go turn on the oven to bake bread. Like, I get it, but it just doesn’t sink in? Like “hot” is a weather that exists in a sort of abstract.

I’ve been to a Chinese desert city once (Xi’an, on the sand-duned shores of the mighty Gobi desert), and I have traveled to a few tropical locations a few times in my life (mostly in South America and Mexico), so again, I “get” that these places are hot. But it’s just a word… unlike “cold,” which I loathe. Being cold is the worst… but being “too” hot is just something I sort of vaguely understand on a conceptual, not physical, level.

Anyway. Apparently it’s hot right now? Who knew.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!