Dating is weird, folks.
Like, don’t get me wrong. This isn’t revolutionary or unexpected or whatever… and I think dating has been weird since it was invented sometime in the 1500s or whatever. But modern dating? Weird.
I am in a very happy long-term relationship. This has insulated me from having to deal with the ravages of the dating world, a fact for which I am very grateful. I’m not saying it was better back in my day, because that sure as heckfire isn’t true, but it was a field that I was familiar with at least.
For those of you curious, I applied for a job today that is for a company that works very specifically in the dating world. I doubt anything will come of it (honestly, most of my job applications work out to be nothing), but it was an interesting application for my writing. And if something does come of it, it might be really interesting.
Anyway, we will see, we will see. But it at least gave me a tiny little taste of what dating is like these days!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!