As a writer, this perhaps shouldn’t be a surprise, but I have a lot of books. I own them, and four full-sized, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves upon which about half of my collection lives. The other half lives in boxes (mostly waterproof moving crates, basically), but the moral of this story is that I have a lot of books.
Sci-fi, fantasy, English, Physics, Japanese, Chinese, a few religious works, translations of religious works, roleplaying game manuals, source books, rule books, books on editing, writing, drawing, and just about everything else under the sun. A few dictionaries, a thesaurus or two, an atlas… I don’t think I have an generic encyclopedia, but honestly I might.
And that’s to say nothing about the dozens of books I own in digital-only format, whether PDFs of novels or other books on my computer, or ebooks on one of my two Kindles.
And so, what, is this a humble-brag? Have I come on here just to let all of you good readers of my fabulous wealth (ha!) buried in my personal book-horde? No. Honestly, I have too many books. I know I need to get about a dozen more for my few remaining courses (ah, university… so expensive, and yet still so questionably useful), but I’m getting to the point where at least a few of them are going to have to go. And that is going to be a few painful days of decisions, I tell you what… but perhaps I can donate them somewhere and they can bring motivation and/or happiness to others.
We will see!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!