Progress continues on the novel! I broke through 20,000 words (again), and that feels significant. The next big hurdle is to hit 50K without hitting the denouement… I don’t think that will be a problem here. I’m already thinking about things I want to seed earlier into the story, which is great! I love when I get these forward-backward sorta plot issues. It feels satisfying!
This is one of the joys about writing in a less structured style. It feels more organic, and I can “discover” where the story is going as I write. And that can be a lot of fun!
It can also be super frustrating when it doesn’t click (like the first draft of this story wasn’t clicking). Then it’s all about poking and prodding and nudging the story in approximately the direction you want it to go while swearing profusely. Lots of swearing.
Anyway! I’m glad that the novel is coming along, and I still really want to finish it this year if at all possible. That will mean saving up enough for editing costs very soon, and hoping that my editor has some room in her schedule… but hey, we can hope!
Oh, and I still need to come up with a name for it…
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!