Last night as I was preparing for bed I had an idea for my novel. Which is not in and of itself notable… I have ideas for my work constantly.
But it was notable for being between chapters that I have already written. This is a dangerous thing for me to do before I finish a work… I risk talking about things that I will mention again in a chapter or two because my brain won’t remember what I’ve written about here that I have or haven’t written about there. It will all be caught eventually on the 2nd or 3rd draft, but I like avoiding the pitfall whenever I can.
But I do think it will help inject a bit more action into a relatively slow part of the story. As it stands now the protagonist is riding an elevator (a space elevator, sure, but basically an elevator) for eight hours and the action happens “off-screen” (I talk about the aftermath of the action, rather than the action). I think I know how I’m going to fix that.
Added bonus: makes the story more exciting! And at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want? A bit more excitement in our literature?
… okay, maybe not all of us want that, but I sure as heck-fire do!
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!