Well, the planet has once again completed a full circumnavigation of our local star. I suppose it’s as good a reason to celebrate as any!
2022 was a weird year. Not releasing a book feels wrong, somehow… I’ve released at least one every year since I started this crazy adventure in 2016. Statistically I’m still okay: there are 7 novels out there with my name on it, and it’s been 6 years. But I want to average more than one novel a year, so this year I’m hoping to publish two.
The first one is the one I’ve been working on all year, and it is getting much closer to completion. I think another month, maybe two, and then it will be into my editor’s queue for a good coat of polish before heading out into the world.
The second one will be aiming for the fall, and that one I’m not positive about. I might do a sequel to Caitlyn Morcos… I really liked that universe. But I might try another new and different setting again, just to keep casting the net out as wide as possible. We will see, we will see…
Anyway, I’m off of vacation again, so you all can expect 2-3 posts a week from me. Mostly rambling, some updates, some advice… the usual mix of stuff that comes pouring out of my brain on any given day.
With that, I wish each and every one of you a very happy New Year, and all the best wishes for the days and months to come!
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!