One More Time, With Feeling!

Well, the year has officially started. I mean, it had officially started on Tuesday when I last posted, sure, but now I have started working again. The cycle has continued.

I finished reading Motorcycles & Sweetgrass, which was nice. Not great, but good, and very clever at points. A few actual laugh-out-loud moments, which is always a pleasure to encounter in a book. I’m about a third of the way through The Golden Compass, which is proving to be as good as I expected it to be, and I’ll be diving into some Caribbean literature later today (I have some chores and tasks to accomplish first, but right after those). A friend on the internet read 164 books last year, a jaw-dropping number until I realized that I probably read close to 100 without really trying. Work related and schoolwork, almost exclusively, but a few that I really wanted to read tossed in there as well. And a stack of at least 50 more than I will absolutely read the moment I have time. My current course list is only 10 books long for this semester, but I still have 2 more semesters to go this calendar year (one over the summer, and another in the fall of 2023).

Anyway, this isn’t meant as a brag (humble or otherwise), but it made me really think about how much I read, and how much I enjoy reading. I’m so glad there are so many incredibly talented storytellers out there, and I hope that in some small way there are people out there who are glad that they read my humble offerings as well. And I look forward to being able to provide more to them!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!