So today I have my only midterm test of this semester. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I love midterms… I mean, I love tests in the grand scheme of things. Opportunities to prove I know what the heck I’m talking about.
This is a big change for me from the person I was the last time I attended university. I used to hate tests, but mostly because they were testing me on stuff I legit didn’t know. Or, at least, stuff I knew but couldn’t prove I knew. Mathematics, so binary, but also so methodical (which I am not) and patient (ditto) and slow (I think you can sense a trend here).
But these days? English Studies are all about justifications… basically instead of either knowing a thing or not, you have to be able to justify that you know a thing. And gosh am I ever full of justifications… or the ability to produce them, I suppose.
So tests these days don’t scare me any more. Which isn’t to say that I’m going to do super well on today’s. I could still be caught flatfooted and get everything wrong. It has happened. But it’s not something I worry about any more.
I have plenty of other stuff to worry about instead.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!