The Curse of Fine Weather

So site traffic is down again. Every Spring this seems to happen… and I can’t say I blame people! The weather outside is lovely, the weather inside hasn’t improved, so why not go out and enjoy the sun while it lasts?

Except me. I hate the outdoors as a general rule. Saw too much of it when I was young and now I’d rather stay inside 99% of the time. Outside has wasps, which I’m allergic to, and mosquitos, which I hate, and it gets really cold, which sucks. Inside is where my games are and my computer is! Much better inside.

But I totally get that other people want to go outside and enjoy the sun! So you do you. I’m gonna go write about people who are happy staying inside a small metal can hurtling through space for months on end.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!