Balance in All Things

I struggle with the concept of balance in my life. I tend to throw myself whole-body at whatever I am doing until I am satisfied that I have “done” whatever it happens to be. When I competed in Kendo, I would attend 4-5 practices a week, taking hours out of my way by bus and subway to go to gyms and dojos, to say nothing about the weekends spent at tournaments. Same thing for when I got into miniature combat games… I even ran a podcast (because of course I did) that lasted over 250 episodes. When I started practicing guitar, I would practice for hours on end. When I started writing… well, let’s say that 2016 was a very good year for my writing output.

But this has always left me struggling to find balance. To find time for all the things that aren’t the “one big thing” that I am doing at any given moment. And I am trying to be better at that these days. To find an appropriate amount of time for everything, rather than all my time being spent on one thing. It’s tricky! I don’t feel like I’m progressing nearly fast enough as a writer or a film maker or a guitarist or a painter, but I am doing all those things and handling most of the other aspects of my life at the same time. And that’s worth something, right?


Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!