Today, I slid down the stairs. Not intentionally, and quite painfully.
It was a combination of factors. Exhaustion from a long, sleepless night coupled to a lack of coffee being contributing factors. It wasn’t super dramatic… I missed the top step, fell back, and then slid down the stairs while coffee went everywhere (I had a full cup in my hand, and I am very grateful that it wasn’t steaming hot, because I was wearing at least half of it by the time I reached the bottom).
I have a few scrapes, and I’m going to have a monster bruise on my leg tomorrow, but I think I’m mostly okay. Lost my favourite mug, though… it did not survive the trip.
Not a pleasant experience, and I’m at an age that I’m going to feel that fall for at least a week or two. Just really bad luck.
Ah well. I should get back to writing… nothing is broken, I didn’t land on my head… I should be grateful.
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!