Busy Weeks!

I had friends visit on Sunday for the first time in a very long time… hence the lack of update. There isn’t a lot to say, really… the novel is coming along well, and I’ve reached the part of the conclusion that makes me want to go back and rewrite everything now instead of waiting to finish said novel and doing the rewrites later.

It also makes me miss my old writers group. I should think about starting that up again… the Facebook page for them is still around, but I haven’t done anything in years. Maybe it’s time to pick that up again, since I won’t be returning to school this semester.

Which isn’t something I’m happy about, insomuch as it is factual. I can’t afford classes for at least a semester, maybe two… once I have saved up enough, I’ll probably head back for the few semesters I have remaining on this silly degree. We’ll see, I suppose.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!