A Lot of Ads

Well, hands up if you’ve spent the last week (in addition to editing the new novel) writing up a thousand new ads?

Okay, okay, not a thousand. Only ten, technically, although each had a unique set of issues to solve. I dived into trying to give more visibility to my books without increasing the cost of doing so, so far with mixed success. Previously I ran ads on three of my books, but it was a total of one ad campaign per book: now I’m up to five campaigns per book, and I’m doing two books.

Ooh, and in two different countries. So technically, I created 20 different ad campaigns in the last week. Phew! No wonder I’m so tired!

I remain cautiously optimistic that this may result in a slight improvement in my overall writing fortunes (I mean that in the “luck” sense, not in the “financial” sense, although that would be really nice as well!). The process seems to make sense, and it’s had some success so far already, but I’ll revisit again in a few days, start making tweaks and changes.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!