Well, today the USA has a new president, and one that hopefully most Americans aren’t embarrassed by. That’s not to say it will magically fix all (or really, any) of the problems that America has struggled with for the last four torturous years… heck, I’ll be stunned if much of anything is fixed quickly, since that’s not usually the way a good government works. But at least it’s a positive step.
As a Canadian, this doesn’t really have a direct impact on me or more work. It does make me slightly more optimistic about the future, and that’s important to me since I tend to write optimistic sci-fi. I think much of the sci-fi that’s been produced in the last few years has been darker overall as people struggled to see a bright, hopeful future. Maybe today will be a small step towards correcting that.
Regardless, work on my next novel is coming along nicely. I’m about half as far into the story as I want, but the word count is small enough (around 6,000) that I can remedy that with one good day or writing… which I intend to do right about… now!
Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!