New Patrons!

From time to time, I manage to get another patron or two. At this stage of my career, it’s rarely more than that, and usually I lose one a year or so as well, so it all kind of works out, but at the same time it’s still a bit of a rush every time I get a new supporter.

I don’t know how to explain it. It’s kind of like a small confirmation from the universe that I am on the right path. That putting one foot in front of the other means I am heading in approximately the right direction, and that’s a really nice feeling.

Especially considering how hard many days are. A lot of my time and energy recently has been devoted to trying to make the most of some pretty awful circumstances. In the grand scheme of things I am very fortunate, but that’s not the same thing as saying that things have been easy. They are rarely easy.

Anyway, we’ve finished our analysis of Beowulf in class, and that was… interesting… I’m glad I read it, although I can’t say it really impressed me. We’re tackling Chaucer this week, and hopefully that will be a bit more enlightening… although I will say that between “Stories inspired by Beowulf” (The Hobbit) and “Stories inspired by Canterbury Tales” (Hyperion), I’m a bigger fan of Beowulf’s impact…

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!