One Month Down, 11 To Go!

Well, it’s certainly been an interesting January thus far! Technically not over just yet, but it will be (probably!) by the time I get to writing my next post, so I figure might as well say farewell to it now.

Progress on the next novel has been slow, but not due to a lack of interest or intent. I’m not sure how many of these early chapters will actually survive into the final book, but that’s always the way it works out with my novels. The first three (or so) chapters are usually all axed, as they’re as much for me as they are for anyone else. That stated, I kind of like the opening of this novel thus far… it sees the heroic Captain Hattori landing her definitely-crashing spaceship on a remote little trading world, and also introduces the naive but capable DiSenza (still not married to that name, but that’s an easy change if I decide) and her deep love for her lazy-ass boyfriend, tied up with whether what she feels is really love or not.

I think the boyfriend’s father is a little too stereotypical at this point, but again, early days!

Anyway, progress on the novel is coming along nicely, although slower than I’d like. And, meanwhile, I’ve been reading Chaucer for the first time… I wish we were studying a translation rather than in its original “Middle English” (every time I write “Middle English”, I have to be very conscious not to write “Middle-Earth”), but that’s a minor annoyance.

I should get back to do more of my readings for this course… I can definitely finish them this weekend, but I should probably finish them sooner, since they are supposed to have been finished yesterday. Oh well.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!