Happy Turkey-Day!

Here in Canada, it is the Thanksgiving Day weekend. I think this is basically one of the few specifically-Canadian holidays, in the sense that Thanksgiving Day happens in other nations (not many, but some), but rarely on the same weekend as we hold it. Probably something to do with colder climates meaning an earlier end-of-season celebration back when farming framed most celebrations.

My parents came to visit yesterday, and correspondingly I spent basically the entire day cooking. Made a pot roast, a chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables… mom brought brussel sprouts (I’m weird, I like sprouts) and a tiramisu for dessert, and I made coffee.

It was nice. It was almost normal… almost. Our renovated kitchen is operational but not yet fully re-incorporated… we’re slowly moving stuff back into the kitchen or tossing it out over time, rather than doing it all at once. But even aside from that, it was nice to see my parents for a few hours without us arguing.

Well, we argued a little. But that’s kinda just what my family does. We get together, and we argue.

Anyway, that was an entire day including setup, cooking, and cleaning afterwards. And then today we continued the cleanup (did I mention I cooked a lot?), and now that I’m finally finished with that nonsense I can get back to writing. Huzzah!

If you happen to be seeing family this weekend, I hope your interactions with them is awesome… and if you aren’t so good with your family, just know that’s okay too, and you are loved and respected.

Stay safe and healthy, everyone.